Nico and his sister reading Mara Turing

What the kids think of my book

Receiving feedback from young readers is very special. They explain firsthand how they felt in each chapter, what they expect from the series, or which part they found easiest —or most difficult— to understand. They are my compass on this exciting journey.

Mara Turing, Noa y Daniel

Anna G. Sola: “To create Mara, I was inspired by Cristina, one of my best friends”

The day I discovered Anna G. Sola, she was denouncing an injustice on Twitter. Someone had asked her to work for free, basically, and had disguised it as an opportunity. The solidarity that occasionally appears on that social network —in the form of retweets— helped me discover her thanks to the echo her complaint had. […]

Gema Moreno drawing

“Mum, I want to be a ‘painter’ like Picasso”

If Mara Turing existed in the world of art, I’m sure she would be very similar to Gema Moreno. The illustrator who has given shape and texture to the drawings of Mara Turing. Rise of the Hackers is a Spanish girl who lives in London, and whom I’ve had the luck to meet through her […]

the perfect description for the book

How to write a perfect description for your book

While writing my book, I often pondered on how to define it. As a marketing and communication professional —or so I believe—, it’s important to know who your target audience is and what factors can sway a potential customer to choose your solution over another.

corrections book Mara Turing

The wise ones who have helped me along the way

I dream of being a good writer someday, that’s why I like to draw inspiration from those whom I hold in such high regard. When Mara Turing was nothing more than a blurry plot, lacking nuances and with faintly drawn characters, I ventured to ask a few people about structure, creative process, inspiration, and so […]

Designing Mara, Noa, and Daniel

The journey to write ‘Rise of the Hackers‘ has been long and included many pit stops and parallel roads. Building a book is not just a matter of order, discipline, structure, and inspiration, but also some marketing vision. Why writing a book that nobody will ever read? That’d be sad. Thanks to my background as […]

An adventure about love, hacking and kids who are tired of being programmed

Before you have finished this paragraph, millions of kids will have shared their locations, interests or ideas without noticing it. One idea came to my mind when I thought about writing a book: it should be useful to the reader. The biggest books I’ve read in my life were much more than an adventure, a […]