The journey to write ‘Rise of the Hackers‘ has been long and included many pit stops and parallel roads. Building a book is not just a matter of order, discipline, structure, and inspiration, but also some marketing vision. Why writing a book that nobody will ever read? That’d be sad. Thanks to my background as […]
Javier Padilla
Emprendedor en Internet. Soy cofundador de proyectos de éxito como ElDesmarque, Nabumbu o iMagicBox... aunque también creé alguna cosa en el pasado que fracasó. Ahora intento convertirme en escritor y contar historias que puedan inspirar, emocionar o enseñar algo a alguien.
An adventure about love, hacking and kids who are tired of being programmed
Before you have finished this paragraph, millions of kids will have shared their locations, interests or ideas without noticing it. One idea came to my mind when I thought about writing a book: it should be useful to the reader. The biggest books I’ve read in my life were much more than an adventure, a […]